First Name ------Searches on an offender’s first name and any aliases the offender has.
Last Name ------Searches on offender’s last name and aliases.
Address------Searches on the street address of an offender home or school address.
City ------Searches on the city of an offender’s home or school address.
State------Searches on the state of an offender’s home or school address
Zip Code------Searches on the zip code of an offender’s home or school address
County------Searches on the county of an offender’s home or school address.
Race -----Searches on the race of the offender.
Gender -----Searches on the gender of the offender.
Age -----Searches on the age of the offender within plus or minus 5 years. For example, if you enter an age of 30, the search will return offenders between the ages of 25 and 35.
Height -----Searches on the height of the offender within plus or minus 6 inches. This is actually represented by two text boxes, one for feet and one for inches. For example, if you enter a height of 6' 2", the search will return offenders between 5' 8" and 6' 8" tall.
Weight -----Searches on the weight of the offender within plus or minus 25 pounds. For example, if you enter a weight of 200 pounds, the search will return offenders weighing between 175 and 225 pounds.
Hair Color -----Searches on the hair color of the offender.
Eye Color -----Searches on the eye color of the offender.
Scar-Mark-Tattoo -----Searches on the list of scars, marks, and tattoos for an offender.
Scar-Mark-Tattoo Description -----Searches on the descriptions of the scars, marks, and tattoos for an offender.
Offense -----Searches the list of offenses of an offender.
State ------Searches the state of the list of offenses for an offender.
Aggravated -----Searches the aggravated status of an offender.
Habitual -----Searches the habitual status of an offender.
Street -----Searches on the street address.
City -----Searches on the City.
State -----Searches on the state of the offender .
County -----Searches on the County of the offender.
Zip Code -----Searches on the Zip code of the offender .
Radius Miles -----Searches on the hair color of the offender within radius 1,3 or 5.